Illamasqua Refuses to Stay Silent | Controversial Brands

Beauty seemed to be the one of the few places unsoiled by politics. Illamasqua changed that forever when they announced their Anti-Facist Pledge. Basically, in order to purchase Illamasqua products, you must pledge to their Human Fundamentalism values. They are advocating against discrimination and urging others to join the fight for human rights. They claimed toContinueContinue reading “Illamasqua Refuses to Stay Silent | Controversial Brands”

Shopping with a Moral Compass | Social Media Exposure Culture | New Logo

Social media has really transformed the way information is spread, gathered and presented. This closely relates to everyone one of us. We’ve all seen public figures marked with shocking scandals. We’ve also witnessed candid and sometimes graphic recordings of violence and racist encounters in the streets. Social media has created a culture of exposing harsh realities. ThisContinueContinue reading “Shopping with a Moral Compass | Social Media Exposure Culture | New Logo”